“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
Next to sunlight and air, the other most basic substance we need for survival is water. At a basic level, we know it is made up of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen one, connected via covalent bonds. It is tasteless, colorless, odorless, and transparent. Most people drink it in an almost unconscious manner and in recent times there’s been an obsession with drinking enough. In America, billions of dollars are spent on bottled water or the selling of bottles because drinking tap water out of a glass is seemingly not good enough. Wars have been fought over it and millions have died fighting to keep their rights to it. It is one of the most plentiful substances on the planet, some 333,000 cubic miles, yet only about 1% of it is accessible for human consumption. This is because about 97% of the water is salty or unfit for consumption and another 2% is present as ice in glaciers or ice caps. About 75% of the planet’s surface is covered with water. Our bodies are about 60%-70% water which is used for all manner of life-supporting functions like transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells, regulating body temperature, detoxification, protecting organs, and lubricating joints. But, a human fetus is made of 95% water which comes down to around 77% at birth. Bones contain 31% water, the skin is around 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% water, and 70% of the human brain is also water. Two-thirds of entire water in our body is within our cells. It is used for cleaning everything in our lives from cars to dishes to our own bodies. It is used to grow all the food that we consume, from agriculture for plants to water for livestock. The abundance of life in the sea sustains some parts of the planet as a major food source. It is crucial to global trade as most of the commodities such as oil, gas, raw materials, and finished goods are transported on water. All forms of water are used for heating and cooling in industry, transportation, and homes. It provides the basis for many sports such as skiing, swimming, and boating. It is the basis for all sanitation from getting rid of excrement to being able to brush your teeth. Even space has water vapor and just want we have been able to measure is some 140 TRILLION times the water that is in all the earth’s oceans.
The Mysteries of Water
But for all its abundance on earth and multitude of uses including basic life support, water is also one of the most mysterious substances in the universe. To begin with, despite all our technology and scientific knowledge, there is no consensus on how water arrived on earth to begin with. One theory is that comments and asteroids with frozen water crashed into the earth around ~4 billion years ago. Another theory is that water was part of the very evolution of the earth and amassed into rocks which eventually melted to release the water. Another bigger mystery is that the finite amount of water on the earth is neither created or destroyed and remains a constant. It falls to the earth, condenses, evaporates, and reappears again and again. Water molecules are continually transformed and in a 100-year period, a single molecule spends 98% of its time in the ocean, about 1.7% as ice, 0.2% in lakes and rivers, and 0.1% in the atmosphere. It spends a statistically insignificant amount of time in a single body. But, since it has been here since the beginning, the molecules currently in your body were at one point in a dinosaur, fish, cloud, mud, space, and in countless number of humans, animals, or sea life. In fact, the same molecule that was in Jesus, Buddha, Hitler, Genghis Khan, or Steve Jobs could be inside you right now 😊 The solid form of water, ice, floats instead of sinking as most other solid substances do. This is because, unlike any other substance, water expands as it cools and decreases in density, hence is able to float. This is what allows the myriad of life beneath glaciers and ice caps. Hot water freezes faster than cold water, which is known as the Mpemba Effect. No-one knows why it happens and while scientists have searched for an explanation and provided theories, none have been able reach a consensus. Water exists in more than just the 3 well known stages of solid, liquid, and ice. There are at least five different stages of liquid water and 14 different phases of ice that scientists have found so far. Water needs a seed crystal or nucleus to freeze at 0°C and tap water has many impurities that provide this. However, if water is purified and demineralized, it exists as water down to around -48°C, a process known as Supercooling. Droplets of such water exists in nature in stratus and cumulus clouds. Some animals and many plants use this to survive in ultra-cold temperatures. However, if you continue to lower the temperature to about -120°C, something strange happens; the water becomes ultra-viscous, or thick like molasses. And below -135 °C, it becomes “glassy”, a solid with no crystal structure or an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid. Water is tetrahedral in its molecular composition. The sides of a tetrahedron are triangles and made up of 180° (60° x 3). The boiling point (212° F) minus the freezing point of water (32° F) equals 180°.
Another stunning realization comes from research done by Dr. Gerald Pollack in the University of Washington where he a discovered a phase of water that is critical to all life on earth. He discovered that water that is in contact with a human or animal cell actually has an extra hydrogen and oxygen molecule and in a phase between solid and liquid. Specifically, inside the cell, a substance called cytoplasm holds crucial organelles into place and allows carriers to move through to import, export, and transport other substances. The water within cytoplasm is not H2O, it is H3O2, just as it is in fruits, vegetables, and cells within life on this planet. This makes it more gel-like and it is why blood does not come gushing out of us when we get cut as our cells are full of the thicker H302. The extra Hydrogen and Oxygen allow for an ionic bonding of the water, which is essential for life’s abilities to manipulate and generate proteins, enzymes, and biochemistry of all types. It filters out most solutes when forming, thus ensuring purity of the water in our cells. Another note about H3O2 is that it is electromagnetically negative while the vast amount of H20 found in lakes and streams is charged positively. This means it can hold and deliver energy, much like a battery. Two common names for this type of water is Exclusion Zone (EZ) and Structured water. Outside our bodies, Structured water seems to form in the presence of light, especially infrared and ultraviolet. Another means of creating Structured water is to mimic the natural flow of water in nature, like that in a river, stream, or ocean. Water flows using a vortexing action, or a spiraling flow which is seen easily in streams and the ocean. This votexing action causes an implosion of the water which restores the natural structure and vitality of the water, increases micro-clusters of water molecules, and increases and activates dissolved oxygen in the water. One big benefit of this water is that crops require 20%-30% less for growth which is why companies are selling machines that implode water for agriculture.
Water and Emotion
Most religions revere water as it is the basis of all life here on earth. It is present in all areas or fields that has symbolism, from art and literature, religion, and science, and to even magic and alchemy. From the earliest days, water was used to purify oneself before entering a place of worship, using some combination of cleansing, touching, or ingesting. For Catholics (and most Christians) it is a symbol of the sacrament of baptism and churches typically keep some at the entrance for the faithful to dip their fingers and bless themselves with the holy water as they enter the church. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples after the Last Supper, using the humble use of water to showcase love. The holiest rite of Baptism is done almost entirely in water where Christians descend into the water and come out “saved”. Muslims perform ablution, a means to wash certain body parts in a particular manner, to cleanse themselves before praying. In Hinduism, water is used in everything from cleaning oneself, washing deities, as part of prayer, and ingestion to purify the body and soul. Water that was used to wash deities or from the river Ganges is believed to have the ultimate power of cleansing and purification. Almost universally across religions, water signifies purification, rejuvenation, protection, and life (or death) itself.
Water is also a very essential part of all the aspects of existence as defined and explained by the Yogic sciences. There it is believed that water holds memory and that it is affected at a molecular level by our thoughts, touch, and emotions. And since we are mostly water, the memory held by the water we drink can affect us in ways we may not realize or understand but can feel at the physical level. But we need not go off the beaten path to see this as science has spent a surprisingly significant amount of time researching water and specifically how it reacts to us. One of the best-known studies comes from the late Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and emotions impact the physical world. For over 20 years until he passed away in 2014, he studied and documented the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, and emotions. Specifically, he realized that it was in the frozen, crystalline form that water showed us its true nature. He demonstrated how water exposed to positive, loving, or compassionate human intention resulted in beautiful physical molecular formations while water exposed to emotions like fear, anger, or hate resulted in disfigured, chaotic, and unbalanced formations. He did the same experiments with music to show that water exposed to calm and peaceful music like classical formed the beautiful formations whereas music like heavy metal did the opposite. Finally, he also showed that water that has been polluted or contaminated can be purified when exposed to prayer and intention. He accomplished all this by using Magnetic Resonance Analysis and high-speed photographs. In all, he showed that water formed these structures based on location, music, words, photographs, and prayer. You can find these photographs and details on his work here.
Expanding on Dr. Emoto’s work, new research from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany supports the theory that water has a memory. By examining individual drops of water under very high magnification, scientists were able to see that each drop had its own microscopic pattern, each distinguishable from the other. The first experiment was for a group of students to obtain one drop of water from the same body of water, all at the same time. Examination of each droplet after freezing showed unique structures that were different from all others. In another experiment, a flower was placed in a body of water and water droplets were taken after a period of time. The result was a beautiful and mesmerizing pattern and very similar among all the droplets. The experiment was repeated with another species of flower and the resulting droplets showed a different pattern. This shows that some imprint of each flower is present in the water that it touched. The entire experiment and results can be seen in this video.
Perhaps the most fascinating of all experiments was one that was conducted to test Dr. Emoto’s hypothesis by Dean Radin, the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, along with Masaru Emoto and a few others. The experiment was done to measure how water exposed to intention can affect the aesthetic rating of ice crystals formed from that water. The water that was the subject of the test was placed in an electromagnetically shielded room in California. Other water was also placed next to this subject water to act as a proximal control. Then, water was also placed outside the shielded room so it could act as a distant control mechanism. Finally, to really put the hypothesis to test, the people who would be directing their intent toward the water were located in Germany and Austria, some 6,000 miles away. Over three days, approximately 2,000 people focused their intention on the subject water samples. Ice droplets formed from all three water samples were analyzed by 2,500 different judges who were blind with respect to the sample locations or conditions. Results showed that the water that was the subject of the intent was aesthetically more beautiful and structured than either the proximal or distant control samples. Details of the experiment can be found here through the PDF has to be purchased.
The Path of Water
In nature, water has a natural, vortex-like flow to it as it passes over rocks or even between waves in the ocean in whirls and eddies. Water used in bathing or in the toilet, when emptied, flows through out in this spiraling, vortex fashion. Water will always try to follow the path of least resistance and the vortex motion is what enables it to do with ease. It is reducing resistance by curving more and more inwards, thereby avoiding the confrontational resistance of straight motion. Thus, the center of the vortex moves faster than the edges. If you live near a stream or waterfall, go observe the nature of the water that has been flowing in its natural state. You will notice is has a “silky” feel to it and if you drink it, tastes pure and is very refreshing. This goes back to what happens to water during its natural vortex-like flow which is the implosion of water molecules. Implosion restores waters equilibrium which enables molecules to form microclusters, elevate dissolved oxygen levels, and cleaning and anti-bacterial benefits are enhanced. There are many ways to see the benefits in real life. Water with micro-clustered molecules allows the body to absorb the water more efficiently. Crops watered with vortexed water grow bigger and stronger providing a rich harvest, while consuming 30% less. Even the basic task of taking a shower and why you feel good after it goes back to the flowing nature of water. Most of us don’t toil in the fields anymore and live on Zoom calls so to shower is not just to rinse dirt off or the sweat from heavy labor. The flowing water from the shower harmonizes with the water in your body and giving you a burst of freshness and a bit of calm. This is amplified even more when you are in the flowing waters of a river or the ocean. The same goes for the water you drink. Modern water delivery systems ensure water goes through many unnatural motions (pipes, tanks, joints, etc.) before it comes out of your tap. Or worse, sits in those pipes for hours or days unmoving. This is why water from a mountain spring or river tastes and feels far better than anything from the tap (assuming you can drink tap water in your city) or a plastic bottle.
Water, the universal solvent
At a physical level, the molecular structure of water lends itself to supporting the very basis of all organic life. Because each individual water molecule has both a negative portion (a large Oxygen atom) and a positive portion (2 small Hydrogen atoms), each side is attracted to molecules of the opposite charge. When hydrogen binds to the oxygen, it creates an asymmetrical module with a + charge on one side and a – one on the other. Because of this, water is a polar molecule where each side is attracted to molecules of the opposite charge. This attraction allows water to form relatively strong connections, called bonds, with other polar molecules around it, including other water molecules. This bonding that makes water molecules stick together in called cohesion and is responsible for plants to take water via their roots. It also helps with water’s higher boiling point which helps animals regulate their body temperature. Since most molecules in biological entities have some level of electrical asymmetry, water can form bonds with both their positive and negative regions. This is what helps water wiggle its way into all the places between the molecules and effectively breaking them apart to dissolve the substance. This is what happens when you put sugar crystals in water or any other organic substance in water really. It is this capability to dissolve so many molecules that has earned water the designation of being a ”universal solvent”. It is this aspect of water that is used to theorize that water can hold the imprint or memory of everything that has ever been dissolved in it. In 1988, French researcher Jacques Benveniste published a paper where he stated that water molecules contained memory of antibodies it had previously been in contact with. He was a senior director at the French medical research organization INSERM which studied the immunology of allergy and inflammation. He published his work in Nature magazine to much controversy and uproar. This ‘memory’ effect is also the basis of much of homeopathy and Benveniste argued that the water used for dilution "remembered" the molecule that had been diluted out of existence. His ultimate argument was that if this memory of water could be exploited, it could be used to cure diseases whose antibodies the water had been exposed to in its existence.
Water, an entity?
One of the few areas of creation where conventional and Yogic sciences are converging is around water. Specifically, there is too much evidence on both sides that water is not just a simple fluid used to quench our thirst and hydrate our bodies. It is more of an entity that carries information and memory from everything it has ever been in contact with, especially life. It also reacts at the molecular level to human thought and emotion and changes itself accordingly. This has some profound implications for our individual bodies and almost everything that exists on this planet, especially life. While we have mostly been preoccupied with the chemistry of water, it’s at the structural level that the evidence is far more fascinating. The geometric structure of water seems to register energetic imprints from substances, activities, and the type of thoughts to which water has been exposed. This way in which water seems to react to external influences, especially human ones, demands a far deeper level of investigation and not necessarily on the “accepted” scientific path. Since it has been here from the creation of the planet and far before humans, in a sense water can be called the block-chain of the earth and definitely one of humanity. Imagine that one day we are able to read all the memories carried in water and able to change and elevate the entire knowledgebase of humanity. Going a bit further, water becomes a living aspect of thought itself and may allow us to create realities using all the memory just present in the water; a Quantum computer if you will, but one that uses water as its memory storage and retrieval. Imagine ‘Smart water’ that is programmed to enter your cells and heal disease at the molecular level or conversely, is able to provide information to your doctor on the nature of the disease inside your unique body. A living computer that records everything but is also able to effect change at the molecular level inside our bodies. If more and more of us start changing water to be in a beautiful state before it exits us, imagine the positive impact it could have on everything in this planet. Taken to the conclusion, water can unite all of human thought and consciousness itself to elevate us to a higher state of life. It is after all water (not air, fire, or earth) that is looked upon during space exploration as to hold the promise of extraterrestrial life.
Water is one of the most common substances on earth and something we interact with every day in multiple ways. Our own bodies are made up of 70% water. But it is also a mysterious substance that does not follow the conventional scientific laws of how all other substances behave. Leaving aside all the unconventional stuff like water having memory or reacting to emotion, we can at least conclude that we should pay a bit more attention to water. We need to stop treating it like a simple fluid and look at it perhaps with a bit more attention, if not something approaching reverence. So rather than just unconsciously gulping down water, pause for a bit before drinking and surround it and yourself with some level of positivity and gratefulness. This one small, simple act can allow what makes up 70% of your body to act in a better way once it is inside you. Those of you that are able to stretch into the ‘non-physical phenomena’ of Tesla’s world, treat water with love and reverence and communicate what you need to it before drinking. If you can get water to be a beautiful part of you, your body and mind will reap the benefits. I am convinced that our thoughts and emotions (our energy, really) directly affects water and has a meaningful effect once it enters our bodies and cells. In the decades ahead, I believe that Quantum science will prove out what is only accepted today in the Yogic and spiritual realms.
On a very practical level, here are a few things to try.
Unless you must, do not drink water from a plastic bottle. Besides the enormous waste generated, plastic is about as an un-natural substance as you can get. Water that has been sitting inside is will not do well inside you.
At home, only use glass bottles to store and drink water.
If you want to get a bit more from your water, get a copper water bottle and store water in it overnight. Send love to the water in that container before you go to sleep and drink it first thing in the morning.
May you be a beautiful and loving vessel for all the water that passes through your body.